Saturday, March 7, 2020
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management The Human Resource Management (HRM) refers to the section of an organization associated with a set of unique, best practices that aim to recruit, develop, reward and manage people in ways that create high performance systems (Bratton, and Gold 2012). Others view HRM as a simple repackaging of good personnel management practices (Som 2008).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Human Resource Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The two definitions show that development in human resource depends on the changes in the markets, social movements, and public policies that are the products of economic and political changes within the society (Nienhueser 2011). HRM started during the industrial revolution in England (Bratton and Gold 2012). According to Nienhà ¼ser and Warhurst (2012), HRM serves to ensure that the organization can achieve success through the proper utilization of employees. More specifically, it aims at increasing organizational effectiveness and capability by use of the available resources. The human resource is concerned with the rights and needs of people through social responsibility (Nienhà ¼ser and Warhurst 2012). The social responsibilities are the responsibilities that the organization has to the society, consumers, suppliers and employees (Nienhà ¼ser and Warhurst 2012). The human resource goals include strategic integration, high commitment, high quality and flexibility (Armstrong 2009, p. 32). The HRM has a number of theories. This includes the strategic HRM theory which is the principal HRM theory (Huselid, 1995). This theory interlinks the employee power and resources to the targeted strategic organizational goals. The theoryââ¬â¢s implicit assumption is that a good fit between human resource and the internal and external context can be linked to high performance (Huselid, 1995). However, organizational performance and achievement of goals is attributed to signifi cant factors that are employee related. These are skills, dedication, commitment and productivity. The second theory is knowledge management theory (Huselid, 1995). This theory lists that the organizational outcomes is based on the knowledge of its employees. It adopts a systematic approach that motivates information sharing amongst the employees in order to achieve greater productivity. Another HRM theory is the organizational culture development theory (Huselid, 1995). It takes into account the employees behavioral responses. In general, organizational culture refers to the values and practices upon which an organization is based. Additionally, it plays a major role in determining employees effectiveness and efficiency (Armstrong 2009).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The HRM is characterized by its ability to respond accurately and effectively to the organizatio ns environment. It also complements other organizational system and delivers added value through the strategic development of the organizations. The HRM covers a vast environment of activities with a range of variation across occupations, organizational levels, business units, firms, industries, and societies (Som 2008). There are two versions of HRM: the hard and soft versions of human resource. Hard HRM is a practical approach where people are viewed as passive resources purposed to be used, deployed as well as dispose where necessary. On the other hand, soft HRM is based on humanism. Thus, it is devoted to human interest that views people as responsible and progressive being (Nienhueser 2011). There are the four main roles of human resource professional. They include managing strategic human resources, managing employee contribution, managing transformation and change, and lastly, is managing human infrastructure to support line managers (Kelly and Kelly 1991). Managers need to u nderstand how ethical dimensions of human resource policy and practice fit into the present and future picture. Lastly, they should be able to make a powerful business case for any proposals regarding the development of human resource strategy (Armstrong 2009, p. 104-135). There are factors that influence the level of individual performance in an organization. These factors are motivation, ability, and opportunity to participate in the organization activities. The impacts of motivation on performance depend on the capability of the employee. On the other hand, the capacity to perform depends on the employee. The effects of motivation on performance are additive but interactive (Balnave, Brown, Maconachie and Stone 2007; Huselid 1995). The three factors need to be observed by the concerned organization for it to make progress. As mentioned earlier, people are the most important resources in an organization. Thus, there are ways that have been developed to ensure that an organization obtains and keeps the people it requires. This is vital since it ensures continuity of good personnel in the organization thus facilitating succession. This important function is usually performed by the department of HRM (Thompson and McHugh 2009). The human resource uses different strategies to ensure that it has the best personnel/staff in their organization. The first one is human resource planning. Here, the business assesses the present and future human resource needs of the organization. The second strategy is creating an employer brand.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Human Resource Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is done by developing the existing workforce in the organization. This is whereby the organization plans on increasing the flexibility of the available human resource. The other strategy is talent management, recruitment and selection, and absent management strategies. Here, the or ganization decides on whether it needs employees from within the organization or outside, recruits, selects, orients and then trains (Armstrong, 2009). Overall, HRM deals mainly with workforce management and regulation within an organization aimed at enhancing its performance. This is well explained using the various principal theories, versions, roles and strategies of HRM. Reference List Armstrong, M 2009, Armstrongs handbook of performance management: An evidence-based guide to delivering high performance, Kogan Page, London. Balnave, N, Brown, J, Maconachie, G and Stone, R 2007, Employment Relations in Australia, Wiley Sons, Australia. Bratton, J and Gold, J 2012, HRM: Theory and Practice, Palgrave, London. Huselid, MA 1995, The Impact Of Human Resource Management Practices On Turnover, Productivity, And Corporate Financial Performance, Academy of Management Journal, vol. 38 no. 3, pp. 635-672. Kelly, J and Kelly, C 1991, â⬠Them and Usâ⬠: Social Psychology and ââ¬Å" The New Industrial Relationsâ⬠, British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol, 29, no. 1, pp. 25-48.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Nienhueser, W 2011, Empirical Research on Human Resource Management as a Production of Ideology, Management Revue, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 367-393. Nienhà ¼ser, W and Warhurst, C 2012, ââ¬Å"Comparative Employment Relations: Definitional, Disciplinary and Development Issuesââ¬Å¸ in C Brewster and W Mayrhofer (eds), Handbook of Research in Comparative HRM, Edward Elgar, Aldershot. Som, A 2008, Innovative Human Resource Management and corporate performance in the context of economic liberalization in India, The International Journal of HRM, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 1278ââ¬â1297. Thompson, P and McHugh, D 2009, Work Organisations, Palgrave, London. Human Resource Management Introduction The expression used to refer to human resource management has substituted the conventional phrase for personnel management. The management of human resources is a more tactical and rational approach in the administration of individuals than personnel management.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Human Resource Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It entails selection, recruitment, training, development and compensation of human resources (Storey, 1998: 20). Human resource is responsible for managing the labor force as the most important asset in the organization. The aim of human resource management is to empower workers to work effectively to achieve the organizations objectives. Human resources use continuing strategies to develop the workforce in an organization. Human Resource Management is an indispensable element in the performance of a corporate organization and works together with other dep artments to achieve the organizationââ¬â¢s goals. The tasks of the human resource consultant are centralized on the advancement of the labor force in a corporate organization. His strategies should be in line with the needs of the organization. Today, HR practitioners are the strategic partners to an organization. They assist in the improvement of strategies used to realize the organizationââ¬â¢s arrangements and aims. Their responsibilities include: selection and recruitment, recognition and rewarding, development of performance contracts and appraisal, employee development and succession planning. This paper gives a description of the human resource activities at Alfalah Bank in Pakistan, explores the major issues faced by the organization, gives a discussion of the implication of the issues, and possible solutions for the issues. Alfalah Bankââ¬â¢s HRM Practices Recruitment This can be defined as the process of searching for applicants and encouraging them to apply for v acant positions in a firm. There are mainly two types of recruitment process: internal and external. Internal staffing is the sealing of vacant positions by choosing from existing employees in a corporate organization where as exterior staffing is the filling of job vacancies by receiving applications from outside the organization (Armstrong, 2006:53). At bank Alfalah, recruitment is made by filling three kinds of job categories for growth and expansion, these are: trainee officers, contractual employees, and top managerial staff. Recruitment is based on the level of requirement needed in each job category. For top managerial posts, the HR officials use either the internal or external sources based on experience and qualification. Trainee officers are recruited through external sources as well as the contractual employees. For both the internal and external recruitment, the organization uses, newspapers, website, and direct application as sources for recruitment (Akber, 2009:20).Adv ertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The recruitment process is normally carried out through the following sources Newspapers and magazines Website Training and development of present employees Retired persons One of the major parts of the process is the online recruitment. It is fast and efficient for both organizations and the applicant. On the website, the registration function is posted together with the available posts. It also gives a lot of information on the roles of the successful candidate and the cultural values and ethics of the organization. Almost half of the total workforce in Pakistan is recruited through the website. Selection Selection is the process of establishing the ideal candidate to fill a certain post. During this process the human resources management looks for recruits who not only are suitable for an immediate post but also for the organizat ionââ¬â¢s development. Standard documentations are used by majority of human resource managers. This documentation compares the job roles to the qualities and skills of the recruits (Bohlander Snell, 2009:6). After the selection process, the successful applicants are notified of their appointment and an induction and training process commences (Compton, Nankervis, 2009:3). At Alfalah Bank, the selection procedure is conducted by the HR officials. For a candidate to qualify for a vacancy in the bank, he must be, a citizen of Pakistan, possess the required qualification having a post-graduate degree or a bachelorââ¬â¢s degree and be aged between 18 and 35 years. After receiving the application forms, candidates with the right requirements are short listed for a written interview. Those who pass the written interview are called for an oral interview where each candidate is given a topic to debate on. Those who pass this test are called for a panel interview. The panel interview is conducted by the president of Alfalah Bank at the head office. Successful candidates are offered the post and training commences (Akber, 2009:25). Issues Human Resource Planning The major issue at Alfalah Bank is Human resource planning. This is the establishment of approaches that are to be used in matching the workforce skills to the needs of an organization. It is the procedure that is used in recruitment, employee retention, and optimization of human resources employment that is needed to achieve organization goal. Human resource planning involves analysis of skills of current workforce, forecasting manpower, and being responsive of customers demand (Holland De Cieri, 2006:102).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Human Resource Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Human resource planning is important in every organization because it helps the top management to view HR practices in relation to business decision. The lack of it makes Human resources expensive because HRM can not foresee future problems in order to solve them before they become uncontrollable. It should therefore be incorporated because it guarantees that the relevant individuals are absorbed, in the right position and at the precise time (Harris, et al., 2003:46). Information needed in human resource planning include: identification of the different departments in the organization, analysis of HRM changes in implementation of its strategies, and recruitment and selection procedures used to address these changes (Smith Mazin, 2004:49). Rate of Redundancy The other issue is the ever increasing rate of redundancy. Redundancy is a situation where a business requirement of employeeââ¬â¢s specific responsibilities is expected to cease or have already ceased. It occurs when a business relocates, changes it technology, becomes mechanized or launches new services and products. The selection criterion for redundancy is b ased on: the number of employees involved in the redundancy, the skills and experience of employees, and reasons for the redundancy (Ferris, et al, 1995:6). Different organizations use different selection criteria for redundancy. At Alfalah Bank, the redundancy procedure is conducted by the HR practitioners. Employee information regarding performance, attendance as reflected in the attendance record, contribution to the organization, experience, skills, and qualifications is gathered. Before selection for redundancy commences, the organization consults the line managers and HR department on matters relevant to the legislation (Holland, et al, 2007:74). The selection process then commences with guidance from the supporting management under the prevailing circumstances. The number of redundancies necessary is established keeping in mind the skills needed to meet the organizations future goals. (Hammonds, 2003:15). The increase in the number of redundancies at Alfalah Bank has reduced production and customerââ¬â¢s trust for the services offered at the Bank. Solutions Job Evaluation One way of ensuring that human resources are planned properly is through job evaluations. This is an organized grading of jobs according to other jobs in the organization. Job evaluation or classification is normally done when a job position becomes vacant and need to be filled by recruiting a person for the correct level based on the responsibilities (Ulrich, 1996:230). It can also be done when the responsibilities of a job changes. Different organizations use different job evaluation systems depending on their employee groups. Job evaluation system requires the use of job description, occupational standards or guidelines and job category (Legge, 2004:10). There exist four mainly used work assessment methods these are: categorization, positioning, the point method, and factor evaluation. Classification is a method in job evaluation where jobs are categorized according to their clas s description such as clerical job, managerial jobs, the list is endless (Bratton Gold, 2001:72).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This method is commonly used in the service sector where job are classified by comparison with other job classes. After the process of job classification is over, a pay grade is matched with the job. Ranking of job is a line of job appraisal where jobs are graded from highest to the lowest (taking into consideration their value to the business culture). Point evaluation method is a quantitative kind of approach where jobs are assigned points according to their compensable factors. The points allocated to each job are then weighted and their total points tabulated. The total points determine the value of the job to the organization and its pay. Factor comparison appraisal is based on the compensable factors e.g. experience, responsibilities among others. Jobs are ranked on the basis of their value to the organization. Job salaries are determined by the pay rate of these compensable factors (Swamson, 2009:52). Motivational Theory and Reward Remuneration and reward of employees are som e of the ways that can be used to retain employees. By reward we mean that the efforts of the employee are recognized. Singling out and rewarding workers inspires them to look for ways of undertaking their tasks effectively and lack of it can completely dishearten them. A reward system has to be effective and be able to instill the desired behavior for efficient performance (Boudreau Ramstad, 2007:60). The reward system can either use financial mechanism or non-financial. People need to be encouraged and appreciated in order to achieve their mission and that of others. Abraham Maslow (a researcher), explored the connection between reward and motivation and came up with a theory called Maslowââ¬â¢s hierarchy of need. Maslow discovered that human beings have different types of needs that they want to be met. They include; basic needs security, self esteem, self actualization and group needs. To fulfill these needs, sets of motivating rewards have to be used. Some of the basic need s can be fulfilled through provision of good standards of living by means of honest pay structures (Anon. ââ¬Å"Human needs and rewardsâ⬠2010:1). Provision of secure working environment coupled with training on safety and health issues can assist in meeting the security needs of the employees. On the other hand, reward systems on job promotion based on employeeââ¬â¢s efforts, skills, and experience can help in raising their self esteem and meet the needs that come with it. Employeesââ¬â¢ team working groups that are well structured with good communication help in fulfilling the group needs. Self actualization needs can be fulfilled by encouraging employee developments by use of appraisal tool where employees gauge their performance (McNamara, 2010:2). According to Wilkinson (1988:50), the HRM should use a reward system that helps in meeting most of employeesââ¬â¢ needs. This will encourage employees and motivate them to work harder to achieve the organizations goals and objectives which in turn will lead to increased production and consequently lower the redundancy rate (Stone, 2008:20). Reference List Akber, Naila, 2009, Human Resource Management (Bank Alfalah HRM Report) Web. Anon. 2010, Human needs and rewards Web. Armstrong, Michael 2006, A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice (10th ed.). London, Kogan. Bohlander, George Snell, Scott. 2009, Managing Human Resources. London, Cengage Learning. Boudreau, J.W. Ramstad, P.M. 2007, Beyond HR: The new science of human capital. Boston, Harvard Business School Press. Bratton, John Gold, Jeffrey. 2001, Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice. London, Routledge. Compton, R. L. Nankervis, Alan. 2009, Effective recruitment selection practice. CCH Australia Limited. Ferris, Gerald. et al, 1995, Handbook of human resource management. Blackwell HRM series, Blackwell human resource management series. New York, Wiley-Blackwell. Hammonds, S. Engelke., 2003, Redundancy. Legal essentials L aw at work. London, CIPD Publishing. Harris, Hillary et al., 2003, International human resource management. London, CIPD Publishing. Holland, P. De Cieri, H. (Eds.) 2006, Contemporary issues in human resource development, Pearson Education, Sydney. Holland, P., et al, 2007, Contemporary Issues and Challenges in HRM, Prahran. Tilde University Press. Legge, Karen. 2004, Human Resource Management: Rhetorics and Realities (Anniversary Ed.). Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. McNamara, Carter, 2010, Human Resource Management (and talent Management) Web. Smith, A. Shawn Mazin, A. Rebecca. 2004, The HR answer book: an indispensable guide for managers and human resources professionals. New York, Amacom Div American Mgmt Assn. Stone, Raymond J. 2008, Human Resource Management, John Wiley Sons, Australia, 6th Edition. Storey, John. 1998, New perspectives on human resource management. London, Cengage Learning EMEA. Swamson, Richard. 2009, Foundations of Human Resource Development: Easy read L arge Edition. San Francisco, Ulrich, Dave 1996, Human Resource Champions. The next agenda for adding value and delivering results. Boston, Mass, Harvard Business School Press. Wilkinson, A. 1988, Empowerment: theory and practice. Personnel Review 27 (1): 40ââ¬â56. Human Resource Management Background Information Effective human resource management is essential for any company to succeed. This entails efficient management of the workforce in order to promote the performance of the company. The human resource at Proctor and Gamble is charged with the responsibility of ensuring excellent service delivery by the companyââ¬â¢s employees and this positively impacts on the companyââ¬â¢s remarkable global performance and this can partly be attributed to efficient management of the business (Anonymous 2010).Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Human Resource Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The companyââ¬â¢s human resource sector aims at maintaining a skilled workforce as well as attracting the best talent to join the companyââ¬â¢s workforce in order to ensure it enjoys high and efficient output from its human capital, which is essential for the good performance of the company. Further, the organization puts more emphasis on evaluation and measurement of employeesââ¬â¢ engagement and commitment to the roles assigned to them and has in addition established initiatives to promote involvement of the employees in the companyââ¬â¢s strategic activities as well as sustenance of benefits. To ensure that it achieves high standards of human resource management, the company has established and developed a human resource department that comprises of change agents, team builders advisors among other human resource specialists who constantly engage in activities aimed at motivating employees and promoting their welfare as well as ensuring the provision of a skilled pool of labor to the company through transparent recruitment of new qualified employees. Human Resource Requirement for Service Being part of Proctor and Gamble human resource team entails the responsibility of developing systems and tools that are directed towards attracting a skilled pool of labor, reward and motivation of the existing employees as well as challenging the employees in order to promote efficiency, innovation, and invention (Anonymous 2010). The human resource management is expected to promote and protect the companyââ¬â¢s values, purpose, and principles through inspiring, enabling, and engaging the companyââ¬â¢s employees as well as acting as change agents in order to drive towards positive transformation of the company and provide a solid foundation for the companyââ¬â¢s culture, external environment as well as companyââ¬â¢s goals (Anonymous 2010). The Human resource manager is not only expected to be academically qualified in the field but also has to possess qualities of good leadership coupled with social responsibility which is necessary when dealing with people from diverse backgrounds and social settings who make up the workforce.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 1 5% OFF Learn More Consultation with Stakeholders Proctor and Gamble ensures involvement of the human resource sector as an ultimate business partner in order to promote increase in the companyââ¬â¢s growth. This is because the human resource sector ensures that there is simplification of work processes in the company and promotes the creation of a culture that focuses on innovation through pro active labor relations (Anonymous 2010). In addition, the human resource sector in the company seeks to understand and address the needs and wishes of potential employees as well as the current employees in order to strengthen the companyââ¬â¢s position as an attractive employer (Anonymous 2010). At Proctor and Gamble, developing the employees into future leaders is one of the major long term strategies of the company. Options required for delivery of service Being on the forefront towards provision of intensely competitive consumer goods in the market, PG puts consumer s atisfaction as the major companyââ¬â¢s priority and aims at understanding consumer needs better than their competitors (Lafley 2001). To achieve this, the companyââ¬â¢s management must connect these needs to an innovative engine that results in production of improved products that meet the consumer needs (Lafley 2001). Consequently, the human resource manager must have the ability to mobilize the employees towards the achievement of this goal. Service Specifications Being a human resource manager in this company requires you to work on assignments and tasks covering the major areas of human resource management, based on Dave Ulrich human resource champion model (Anonymous 2010). In addition, the human resource executives are expected to map and analyze the companyââ¬â¢s salary planning in order to assess its effectiveness in line with the companyââ¬â¢s goals, values, and objectives (Anonymous 2010). Agreed roles and responsibilities The human resource managers organize s trategic plans such as those aiming at ensuring team effectiveness improvements; to achieve this, the human resource department facilitates and supports team events by providing constructive suggestions and ensuring implementation of agreed action plan in order to help the teams to become more efficient and effective (Anonymous 2010). Through focus groups and individual interviews, the human resource management can gather adequate data to generate recommendations for Proctor and Gamble on areas requiring improvement in the companyââ¬â¢s workforce while putting into consideration the long term vision of the company (Anonymous 2010). In addition, the human resource management is charged with the responsibility of recruiting and evaluating the companyââ¬â¢s employees.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Human Resource Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Training Support for Human Resource Management In 2 001, the research and development management at Proctor and Gamble called on its human resource to establish and develop a formal training program for its human capital and although these training programs had been in existence in the 80s and 90s, the programs had been gradually diminished in the 90s as a result of the companyââ¬â¢s resource issues as well as competing priorities which dictated redirection of investment into other vital areas (Owen and Klein 2007). However, due to the increased need for advanced knowledge and skilled labor at every level of management in the contemporary economy, the leadership at Proctor and Gamble emphasized that the human resource development through the establishment of a corporate university which would have ensured a direct link between corporate learning efforts and the companyââ¬â¢s goals (Owen and Klein 2007). A further evidence of the companyââ¬â¢s commitment to learning can be highlighted by its collaboration with Accenture which assumed the responsibility for development and maintenance of advanced management systems which have promoted high performance in Proctor and Gamble through the development of internal capabilities in strategic critical core components such as human resource management (Accenture 2009). Accenture played a major role in development of skilled and knowledgeable workforce in Proctor and Gamble by ensuring that PG met its learning objectives through the provision of leading and advanced technologies, enhanced business skills and deep knowledge of the operational management systems in order to promote efficiency in its operations through increasing output of the employees (Accenture 2009). Proctor and Gamble has consequently advanced a robust maintenance support system which ensures reliability of the management system as well as allowing the company to reach its rising global demand for web based training and through the accessibility of the system to over ninety thousands Proctor and Gamble employees, the application has further served to reduce overall operational cost of the company (Accenture, 2009). In addition, a study conducted by Accenture revealed a strong correlation between high performance and the priority that companies place on human capital which further justifies development of an efficient human resource management in Proctor and Gamble. Timelines In order to develop a skilled pool of labor among the existing workforce, one of the major strategies of Proctor and Gamble was to establish a corporate university which entailed formal training for the companyââ¬â¢s employees in diverse environment and departments of the organization (Owen and Klein 2007). The human resource faced numerous challenges in the implementation of this move but eventually achieved remarkable success from its implementation.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The human resource management utilized the corporate strategy model through which they sought to breakdown the entire process into basic questions and then provide answers to these questions in order to achieve the intended goal (Owen and Klein 2007). The leadership further sought to define the desired workforce that the company aimed at achieving through the agreement of desired level of competencies among various groups of target learners (Owen and Klein 2007). This was further followed by actual analysis of the state of the existing workforce performance in the company. The corporate strategy sought to define the goals and inspirations of the company as well as facilitating the establishment of the scope of influence in the training program and pioneered the initial description of the companyââ¬â¢s goal to succeed (Owen and Klein 2007). Establishment of the research and development universities have served to enhance knowledge and skills among managers and other officials who have consequently transmitted their knowledge to their juniors leading to a culture that upholds knowledge and skills in the organization. Quality assurance measures Proctor and Gamble embrace the philosophy of quality assurance by ensuring that they deliver products of superior quality to the consumers as well as provision of business environment that is condusive for effective performance of quality systems in the company (Anonymous 2010). In order to achieve its quality assurance measures, the corporation ensures provision of superior quality goods to consumers as well ensuring corporate responsibility towards their employees and the community at large (Anonymous 2010). This is evident in the corporation efforts to safeguard its employees against harm y providing a safe working environment. The company is headed for greater success in future due to its implementation of quality assurance measures. Ethical Service Delivery standards and their consistency with organizational code o f conduct The companyââ¬â¢s code of ethics outlines the mode of governance in the company and governs the way the affairs of the company are governed (Anonymous, 2010). In addition, the code of ethics outlines the duties of various managers and officials in the company consequently forming basic fundamental rule for the companyââ¬â¢s activities (Anonymous, 2010). Proctor and Gamble has formulated guidelines which ensure quality service provision as well as ethical conduct of its employees. Officers in the company are allowed to hold to or more offices but they are prohibited from executing, acknowledging and verifying any instrument in more than one capacity if the instrument is required by the companyââ¬â¢s regulation to be executed, acknowledged and verified by two or more officers (Anonymous 2010). This serves to minimize incidences of subjective decision making, discrimination, and corruption among other negative aspects that may arise in leadership positions as well as the recruitment process (Anonymous 2010). These officials are further elected objectively by the board of directors for a predetermined period of time and can further be removed from office by the board upon incidences of misconduct (Anonymous 2010). The board commonly holds annual elections to in order to appoint officials who under normal circumstances hold the office until the end of a specified period of time after which a qualified successor is elected (Anonymous 2010). In addition, any vacancies created in the official positions as a result of death, resignation or other inevitable factors, the board is charged with the responsibility of electing a successor to hold the office for the remaining period of time pending the official election period (Anonymous 2010). This further promotes transparency and consistency in the recruitment process. All officers are expected to effectively perform their duties and take full responsibility of all the duties assigned to them by their se niors. The code of ethics regulates the treatment of human resource in this major corporation by ensuring the implementation of one of its major policies which involves the recognition of interests of the employees in the same token that the company addresses its own interests (Anonymous 2010). For instance, the board of directors is authorized in its discretion to maintain a profit sharing plan, adequate benefit and pension plan as well as granting employees a chance to be heard in matters regarding conduct of business but this goes as far as the board of directors limits (Anonymous 2010). To further promote employee participation towards good performance of the company, the board of directors assists the employees to form part of the companyââ¬â¢s ownership by becoming shareholders which further promotes their welfare (Anonymous 2010). Monitoring the Process of Recruitment In most organizations, the process of recruitment is often blurred with malpractices, corruption and often ignores the companyââ¬â¢s outlined procedures for recruitment. It is therefore vital for the company to effectively monitor the process of recruitment to ensure fair and objective appointment of qualified personnel. The company may appoint an independent body to oversee the recruitment process after which the independent body submits an extensive report of the procedure followed during recruitment. In addition, the company may conduct an independent survey to assess the productivity of the recruited employee in order to ascertain that he is qualified for the job. Unethical behavior reporting Employment discrimination is a common unethical behavior prevalent in recruitment process and is usually based on race, gender, nationality, and age among other subjective factors which have overall negative long term consequences on the performance of a company (Lucas 2006). The government of United States has put in measures to protect against employment discrimination by enacting laws tha t govern such practices. For instance, the congress enacted the age discrimination in employment act of 1967 which aimed at protecting older people from being discriminated against in job recruitment as a result of their age as well as ensuring that the employees are provided with benefits regardless of their ages (Lucas 2006). Discrimination against older is one of the most common and often ignored form of discrimination in job recruitments. The business culture in most parts of the world perceive the old as less productive relative to the young consequently preferring the young population as worthwhile investment since they have a lower mortality rate and are more healthy (Lucas 206). These preconceived and often false notions may result to unethical practices in employment recruitments giving rise to illegal discriminations against workers in Proctor and Gamble (Lucas 206). Therefore it is important for Proctor and Gamble to ensure that its human resource does not discriminate em ployees based on subjective practices and should ensure that the process is consistent and transparent. Dealing With Measurements and Variations Forced ranking is one of the controversial methods commonly used by major companies to evaluate the performance of the companies whereby employees are ranked against each other based on a particular scheme or design (Lucas 2006). Some companies rank their employees according to the normal distribution curve which they use to identify low and high performers while others place their employees on the quartiles depending on their performance with the low performers occupying the first quarter and the highest performers occupying the last quarter (Lucas 2006). The high performing candidates are eligible to pay increments, bonuses and job promotions while low performing employees lack such privileges. Forced ranking identifies and rewards good performers and forces out the poor performers consequently ensuring that the company improves the loyal workforce and remains competitive in the industry (Lucas 2006). This method of ranking is preferred due to its discriminatory effect towards the non productive workforce and its emphasis on the talented and energetic (Lucas 2006). Companies that have adopted this method of evaluation reject the premise that it is illegal and unethical and emphasizes that it has a valid business purpose (Lucas 2006). However, these evaluation models also display elements of discrimination whereby the older employees are placed at the lower grades in order for the employers to maintain a cheaper and less expensive workforce without breaking the provision of the law governing discrimination against aged workers (Lucas 2006). Consequently, the forced ranking system may facilitate discrimination by acting as a disguise for intentional and illegal age discrimination (Lucas 206). Data from survey of clients and feedback from clients Proctor and Gamble markets over 250 brands across the globe and have a co nsumer base of nearly five billion consumers in over 130 countries (Lafley 2001). The company has achieved remarkable success in consumer satisfaction in its service provision which can e proven y the companyââ¬â¢s numerous honorary awards such as being featured in the Fortune magazineââ¬â¢s worldââ¬â¢s most admired companies list from 1985 to 2001 and the inclusion in 2001 list of top 50 Net savvy U.S organizations (Lafley 2001). Further, the company has achieved increased profitability over the years which serve to prove popularity of their products across the consumer base. In the fiscal year of 2001, the employees delivered total revenue of $ 39.2 billion (Lafley 2001). Recommended changes for Future Service Delivery Proctor and Gamble should ensure that they retain the older workers since they have a wealth of experience necessary for effective performance of the company (Lucas 2006). Proctor and Gamble should consequently device mechanisms to provide jobs that attract and accommodate older workers into the business environment. This is only possible through the creation of a culture that promotes and honors experience by the human resource emphasizing on qualities such as experience knowledge and expertise rather than energy, fast pace and fresh thinking (Lucas 2006). The human resource of Proctor and Gamble should focus more on role playing exercises as well as the individual ability to handle jobs relevant situations when interviewing applicants rather than focusing on psychometric and verbal reasoning skills in order to provide an equal opportunity for older employees to compete in the job market (Lucas 2006). The company should also provide flexible retirement rates for its employees; most firms have in the past offered early retirements incentives to reduce costs which have consequently resulted in shifting of costs from employee health care accounts into retiree health care accounts (Lucas 2006). Proctor and Gamble should device mechanisms to accommodate and leverage the older segment of the population by allowing the employee to take a specified period of time retirement after which he is reinstated as an independent contractor and this will enable the company to benefit from this pool of experience for execution of special projects (Lucas 2006). Reference List Accenture, 2009. High performance delivered, consulting, technology, outsourcing- helping Proctor and Gamble strengthen a culture of high performance through its learning process. Chicago, Accenture publishing. Anonymous, 2010. PG careers in Western Europe; human resource at Proctor and Gamble-code of regulations. Cincinnati, Proctor and Gamble. Lafley, A G 2001, Cisco success stories: Proctor and Gamble Cisco systems. Available at:à Lucas, P. 2006. Age Discrimination-Unethical, Illegal and a Missed Business Opportunity for US Business. Web. Owen, L., Klein, E. 2007. First Steps: Instituting Proctor and Gambleâ⬠â¢s RD Corporate University. Ohio, Proctor and Gamble.
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